Justinian C. Lane, Esq.

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Perhaps this – and not tort “reform” – is why doctors are flocking to the Plano area

Ya think?

If you'd like to build a nest egg with your paycheck, it may be time to give up New York and head for Plano, Texas.

A survey by pay experts at Salary.com evaluated 69 cities with more than 250,000 people and ranked the Big Apple last. Plano came in first among American cities in which to build personal wealth. (Emphasis added.)

The survey, based on census data and Salary.com analysis, focused on local salaries, the cost of living and unemployment. Secondary factors, such as diversity of the local economy, residents' education, percentage of population below poverty level and commute time were also measured.

Source: Yahoo! Personal Finance

Or do doctors look only at tort liability when deciding where to practice, ignoring factors like what their salary will be and what the cost of living is?